Getting Explanations

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The system can provide detailed explanations for every solution step provided.

Here is an example:

Typing in (x^2-(2y)^2)/((x-(2y))^2), and clicking on the solveallbutton button, will generate the following solution process (set Visibility to LOW):




If you wish to see an explanation for step #3, click on it once, and then click on the explainbutton button. The resulting screen will look like this:




You can now use rightarrowbutton to see any subsequent explanation, if any, for that particular step, or closebutton to close the explanation window. Notice that terms such as ‘factor’ and ‘expression’ are displayed in a different color. Clicking on such terms will provide a brief definition.




hint2 You may obtain explanations for any generated step, not just the final step; simply click (NOT double-click) on the step of interest and then click on the "Explain" button. Note that the system won’t show explanations for any steps you created using the transformations available on the Transformation menu.

Don’t confuse the "Manual" button manualbutton with the "Explain" button explainbutton.

The "Manual" button provides general instructions about using the software; it will not explain the solution process.