Exporting worksheets to MathML format

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This feature allows users to export any worksheet to a file containing Algebrator mathematical expressions represented in MathML format. The extension of the generated file is .xhtml, and this means that the file can be opened in most browsers.


For more information regarding browser support for MathML format, please read this section.


Below is an example of how this works.


Imagine you have solved a problem and you want to save the solution steps in a file that can be opened in any browser (for example, you want to show a classmate how certain problem should be solved). Let's take this solution process from Algebrator:




So, you click File | Export worksheet to MathML format and you save the .xhtml file using a name of your choice. This generates a file, with an .xhtml extension, which can be opened in your browser. This is how the .xhtml corresponding to the above problem would look in a browser:

